Even more progress today. The walls of the sunrooms are completely down. The upper wall has had the plaster stripped off of it while the lower wall still has it (the greenish stuff). I don't know if you can get enough detail in this photo but the brick work that is being uncovered is pretty rough so it will need major tuckpointing. It should (but doesn't) match the color of the strip that runs down the center of the house and on the left side (the right half where it is dark is the fake shingle like stuff). You can also see that the demo has started on the "bathroom addition" as the upper window has been removed. I did not get up there to see what else might have been done. I was still in my suit and it was H O T so I didn't hang around that long tonight.
The contractor and I met with the dispursing agent today also. The process is going to be a lot less complicated than we feared. That makes me very happy. Also, everything goes through me so I will know exactly what is being spent. That makes me even happier. The contractor also stated today the planned end date - October but no later than November is what she said. That makes me the happiest. Even if the project runs over by a month it will be done in six months.
Finally, on day 3 of the construction the first dumpster was hauled away.
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