Monday, November 05, 2007

Another weekend update...

This past weekend seemed to flash by…

I did get the backyard rear gate issued resolved. Basically I installed a section of fence (pre-fab from Lowes) that is removable such that if you want to access the alley you can lift it up & out and then sit it against the garage. One side of the fence is “attached” to the garage and the other side is “attached” to the end of the fence. This formed a small room area where I can store things out of sight. The existing gates/doors were taken down – I plan to put something back up there but that can wait. The important thing is that entries into the backyard are now secured.

I also did some winterizing (emptied pots & moved some things inside) and general cleaning – two cart loads to the yard waste dumpsters and two cart loads to the regular dumpsters. There will be more pots to empty once we get a good frost – I only emptied the worst looking things this weekend. I also planted a few things I had picked up in the last weeks (a day lily, some mondo grass, more pansies) and installed some more sod. I think I may need to mow it this coming weekend.

I still have a bunch of dirt in the garage that needs to be bucketed out to create the planting beds around the yard. There are a few things I have now that need to be planted and then I am planning to mulch everything down for the winter. I think I have decided to leave installing the paving in the recessed area until spring – it isn’t like I would be using it much over the winter anyway. I will probably tidy it up a bit, however.


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