
My camera lens was foggy while I was taking these photos so they are not the best – not sure why they are both tilted the way they are (operator error). The first one is the fireplace with the dark stain and the second is the master shower with almost all its tile.
Things are getting closer. The plumber was at the house on Monday and installed a few things. The master tub faucet and the bathroom sink drains had not come in on Monday so he wasn’t able to knock many things out. All of those have arrived now so hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day. Tonight the HVAC sub is at the house finishing things up and installed the vents and grates. Tomorrow the cabinet maker delivers my bed plus he will work on some things that need some adjustments. The tile in the bathrooms will be finished by the end of the week.
The inspector is going to come by Thursday to assess what needs to be done to get the occupancy permit. If everything I mentioned above gets done when it is supposed to I think the only things will be stairs off the deck and new stairs at the side door (or repaired stairs). So, if all goes well (or even reasonably well) I should have an occupancy permit by next weekend.
I haven’t scheduled the movers yet, however…
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