Monday, April 30, 2007

AC units

The air conditioning units are being installed tonight which is VERY good. When I got home it was 82 degrees upstairs but the the upstairs unit is on right now as I type so it is cooling off.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Front gate & side deck

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Privacy fence but no AC units yet

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


They finally came back to "pour" (actually wheelbarrow) concrete. The top photo is the hot tub pad. The middle photo is on the east side - the yellow tubes are where the footings for the side deck will go. The deck and stairs will be built on that to provide new stairs for the side door. The bottom photo is a distance view of the east side which also shows some of the holes for the privacy fence posts. Hopefully those are up soon also.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Concrete forms

These are photos of the concrete forms the contractor put in yesterday. Hopefully the concrete will be poured into them on Friday. The photo on top is on the east side of the house while the lower photo is of the pad for the future hot tub.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Concrete removal, part 2

With the help of my newly assembled trusty yellow cart, I removed the rest of the concrete on the east side of the house (excepting a little bit under the stairs). New concrete will be poured (if that is the correct phrase) now to replace what was there - it was cracked in numerous places and water ran off it IN to the basement instead of away from the basement. The stairs will be replaced also, the privacy fence will be put up, and the AC united will be installed. Hopefully all in the next week or so. Hopefully...
I got the cart from Lowes. It is on sale for $67.98 until April 15th. Very nice!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I haven't been really good about updating lately, have I. Part of that is because nothing really exciting has happened. The only thing that has changed lately is that I am s - l - o - w - l - y getting the giant pile of concrete pieces reduced by using them to "pave" under the deck. Most of the dirt under the deck is crappy as it is mixed with construction debris so I figured I might as well add one more layer to cap it off. Tonight I finished up the part closest to the house which required me to crawl under the deck and to move chunks of concrete around while laying on the ground. Not that fun especially considering it is cold in St. Louis today.

In other news, the contractor is due back tomorrow to finish up a few things inside and to drop off the estimate for the privacy fence, deck/stairs for the side door, and new concrete (along east side & hot tub pad). I am hopeful that those things can be done in the next week or so. I need to switch my mortgage over from a construction loan to a traditional mortgage soon and I want those things done before I do that.