Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Spring flowers

The daffodils I planted last fall are up and blooming. Other things are starting to grow slowly but it appears that since most of the planted area are on the north sides of the house and garage that my stuff is all a week or so behind similiar plants in the area. For instance, the crabapples in Tower Grove Park are just about ready to open while mine are justing starting to shows flower buds.
If the weather holds, I am planning to haul in one final (I hope) truck load of dirt to finish building the flower beds on the east side of the back yard. I will also need to add some dirt to a few other areas and adjust the "stepping stones" that are next to the deck. Once that is done I will need to start figuring out what I am going to plant.
The grass I put down as sod last fall is doing wonderfully. Tonight I mowed it for the second time. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


This is the dining room table I bought from Oakwood Industries in Memphis (where my parents live). I finally got it all set up. The carpeting is Flor carpet "tiles".

I guess now I need to have people over for dinner...


Things are starting to grow in the backyard. Still lots of work to do...

Snow in the backyard

This was the big March 4th snowstorm.